As Suspected: Land Store Delivers NOW
Well, the first wonderful thing Linden Lab did was to act as escrow by implementing a policy that the buyer must have the money (as agreed upon, price-wise) in their account. Though I am personally unclear as to when the money will be transferred to the seller: either immediately or on delivery.
As for new islands, it is hinted, and now confirmed delivery is practically instantaneous:
From the Second Life b log:
reacher Says: May 7th, 2008 at 9:16 AM
"holy landslide Batman, it works! i’m standing on the island i ordered 5 minutes ago. woot!"
I do suspect land transfers will still take up to two weeks and I don't know if any of that process is automated or not. This means purchasing a new island (actually more likely one that is being recycled) will be much faster and more convenient than having one transferred.
The next step? I'd like to see a feature implemented where current region owners can put their regions up for auction (full transfer) on their own and the buyer can buy it and it's just as instantaneous. I haven't looked at the new land store yet, so this may already be the case.
But, if not, it should be.
The new Land Store (beta) is open for business
Blogged with the Flock Browser
Tags: SeconfLife, Virual Land, Linden Lab

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