PostHeaderIcon Sculpties For the Masses, 'bout Damned Time

Sculpted Prims No, this won't be a TorleyTute Video blog... he has one of those already! :)

However, the first problem with the Second Life Tutorials is access. Okay, not access, but rather exposure. They are easy enough to find ( - but only the blog readers know about them.

Attention Torley or any other Linden: suggestion to put a box advertisement link on the SL home page and include a quip with link in the "thank you for signing up" email sent to new residents. [This has apparently been done. Woot!

Unfortunately, there are typical snide - no, not simple frustrated venting - but snide comments in reaction to Torley's post:
"...people will just drop their annoyances here, because they cannot elsewhere. though i’m kinda tired of happy videos while the true issues are ignored..."
[Name withheld because it's frivolous to embarrass people, (fucktard)]

Okay, come-on. Are you serious?

Do you really think Linden Lab are ignoring the resident's plight with regard to grid issues and I.P. theft issues and all the other issues we all love to whine about? Do you really think they are ignoring us and putting that work aside just so we can actually have a positive, happy posting once in awhile? Do you really think they aren't already working on these issues?

Do you really, really?


Comments like this only serve to dilute the happy, mood and attitude that is brought to everyone who views the Second Life blog every day. Not only Torley's posts, but from other Lindens as well. I'm amazed how some of these Lindens work so hard to keep their reactions in check. No wonder so many rarely ever respond to any feedback posts. It's the best way to not react in a human nature and keep the lid on their powder keg, as it were.

Please, no need for such comments.

Fortunately, Torley's whacked-out charm and hugely entertaining style make comments like these a lot less impacting than they usually are. In fact, the good humor and fun-loving whatever-he's-taking-I-want-some happiness just makes the negative comments seem so laughable.

As for this weeks tutorial - very nice indeed.

There are many who are excellent builders and even more just starting out. They have very creative ideas and the difficult thing with SL (and 3D applications of days gone by) is the difficulty in creating wonderful models using only primitive base objects and still create what you see in your head. It certainly teaches you to look around yourself differently.

"Hmmm... that chair at my kitchen table... yeah... I could do that... I'm thinking five boxes, two toruses and a couple cylinders." ;)

Most would agree it's a lot easier to learn something visually. And now that Torley actually shows how to create sculptie models, more people will be able to jump off that fence, handle that initial apprehension and at least get started.

Getting started is half the battle and once started, the ball is rolling and they will learn. Thank you, Torley, for pushing a lot of people off that fence to at least experiment and get started!

Torley sez:
"With your newfound sculptie skills, you’ll be able to astound, amuse, and amaze avatars of the opposite and/or same gender. Watch the video, follow along, and feel good about yourself"


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