Careful What You Wish For. Reprise. Idiot.
Can you say "oxymoron"? It seems so many residents flip-flop faster than fresh fish just pulled from the water. It's laughable.
Every time there is a post on the Second Life Blog, the venters and whiners crawl out of the woodwork to bitch about Linden lab "not" fixing Second Life. "Stop adding features and stabilize the grid" they proclaim. I've always claimed (and I'm obviously not alone in this) that one should very carefully consider what they wish for... before making that wish. They may just get it.
Remember when concurrency was creeping toward 10,000? The grid was unstable as hell. The premiums where bitching to Linden Lab, exclaiming the grid is choking because of all the 'freebie' [now known as 'basic'] accounts. That LL should 'throttle' logins, allowing premiums to have priority and make the basics wait.
Ummm, hello? There is no way for the system to know whether you are a premium or basic account until after you are logged-in. Unless, of course, serious computing load is added by creating a list that is checked before login - and as you login, you are checked against that list (as you wait five minutes for your account to be verified and allowed to login before everyone else.)
Well, they got their wish.
Now all logins are throttled during heavy periods. You know, when you crash and try to relog and Second Life viewer tries to login... then you get the message telling you to wait five minutes? Well, guess where Linden Lab got the idea.
That was a requested feature by all the bitching malcontents. [Laughs hard].
So, when Linden Lab explains that the grid status posts will be moved to a separate blog, so many bitch about it. but it actually makes a lot of sense.
They complain that the grid is unstable and scream "FIX IT! STOP ADDING FEATURES!" when the Havok 4 engine is introduced. Why? Because Havok 4 is a 'feature' - but Havok 4 helps stabilize the grid!
So, when Linden Lab explains that the grid status posts will be moved to a separate blog, so many bitch about it. but it actually makes a lot of sense.
They complain that the grid is unstable and scream "FIX IT! STOP ADDING FEATURES!" when the Havok 4 engine is introduced. Why? Because Havok 4 is a 'feature' - but Havok 4 helps stabilize the grid!
Huh? What? Yes, they bitch about Havok because it is a feature, but they don't even realize that feature answers a lot of the bitching they've been making. You simply cannot satisfy some people. They are whining victims for life.
So, with all the complaints about the database constantly borking as of late, people are demanding Linden lab fix it. People also complain about the group system not always working correctly, that it is unstable and so many rely on these.
So, Linden Lab comes up with an amicable solution that has the least detrimental impact on everyone and... and...
hypatia Says:May 5th, 2008 at 7:59 PM[Okay. to be fair, I quoted Hypatia because it's the perfect comment that I just know all the bitchers and whiners are all so tempted to scream. This does not mean Hypatia was part of any previous complaining to Linden Lab and if she was, I've never noticed it.]
"ergh, nerfing the use of groups isnt exactly the way to fix them. How about giving us some better functionality before just taking away features?"
It's just such an ironic comment. People are so afraid to change. They get comfortable and then resist change when it is for the better, even if it is the solution to their own gripes.
All LL is doing is to set group notices to expire after 14-days instead of 31 days, and setting them to not distribute more than 200 group notices a day (though this affects very few groups.) So why do people complain about this change, when it helps to make the grid run better? How many people even know that they can go in to look at past notices in groups?
To all of you who complain about the grid being unstable: thank you for telling us and bringing it to Linden Lab's attention. Please tell us something we don't know. And please remember that everything in life is give and take. You will never, ever get anything for nothing. You must be prepared to sacrifice something to gain something else.
It's as though you expect to get your cake and eat it, too. How conceited.
So, as for the Second Life blog being separated from the Grid Status announcements... it simply fits. Linden lab is slowly moving toward hosting. You'll be able to host your own region on your own hardware soon enough, and plug-in to Linden Lab's Grid. So it it's sensible that grid status be place on the Linden Lab's "Grid" web site.
If I am doing this and for some reason my region isn't seeing the rest of the grid, I know where to go to check the grid status. I couldn't care any less about all the other LL crab on the LL blog. I want status and that's all.
Not to mention, status reports are usually closed on the blog, so if you really think about it - it's just a waste of 'blog' space. They are simply bulletins and intended to be simple bulletins. Not discussions.
It just makes sense.
OMFG! Did I let that word out?
OMFG! Did I let that word out?
Wow, did I ever slip up, actually suggesting that something should make sense. How dare I do such a thing?!

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