Lag? Blame The Idiots We Call Residents
So Lindens are adding a new feature they are referring to as avatar cost. WOOHOO!
I have been saying for almost a couple years the "lag" problems so many people experience is often viewer lag and not Linden Lag (LL). ;) It's about graphic pipeline and other stalls. But especially the graphic pipeline.
Because of Second Life being almost entirely user-created, (read: absolutely horrible-looking crap and garbage,) there is a lot your computer has to throw-up onto your screen all the time. Now, I could be ruthless and call the creators of all this junk "amateur idiots who have no clue what they're doing" - but that's rude and really not fair. Honestly, I really believe that.
The problem is that most residents really don't understand first: how 3D is created and rendered (drawn) on their computer screens. what a vertice, spline and face is. What a polygon is and so on and so on. I created my very first 3D model and ray traced image back in 1987 (or there about) on an Amiga 500 with a whopping 512K of memory.
The problem is that most residents really don't understand first: how 3D is created and rendered (drawn) on their computer screens. what a vertice, spline and face is. What a polygon is and so on and so on. I created my very first 3D model and ray traced image back in 1987 (or there about) on an Amiga 500 with a whopping 512K of memory.
From there it was all educating myself and practicing. However, the vast majority of residents in SL have no idea the kind of feats their computers are accomplishing - 30 or so times every second, by the way - each time it draws that picture on their screen.
So, as for all the bells and whistle features that have been added to SL since the introduction of Flexible Prims (flexi) - THIS IS BY FAR MY FAVORITE NEW TOOL!
My only other suggestion would be to take the lag meter and put it back in the title bar where it was before so it's always visible, but unobtrusive.
Pastrami Linden sez:
"Well, Second Life is not regimented. It’s not a formalized art studio, and you’re the ones creating the content. People are going to build their avatars the way they want. This is great. But, it can also mean potentially disastrous performance for those nearby."

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