Rip My Heart Out With a Spoon. Please.
My real life niece is in Second Life. She passed on to me just how cruel things can get. Now, my diatribe isn't going to be about Gor or the SL Gorean community. So why bring it up? For your own perspective and edification. But mostly to help you understand the situation I am about to describe.
First, unless you've actually read even one of John Norman's books on the subject, whatever ideas, beliefs or understanding you have about Gor and the fictional Gorean society is 80 to 90% dead wrong and way off base. But, that's a discussion for some other time.
To lay the very basic groundwork for you, Gor is the "counter Earth" - a planet exactly on the opposite side of the sun, (hence, Earth doesn't really know it exists.) Gor is run by aliens who are a higher-power who control the local population's technological advances. Thus the society of Gor is 'stuck' in a medieval kind of state. Still solving their disputes with bows and arrows and sword, etc.
Gor also is a male-dominated society. Men are the rulers and suffrage is a very long-ass way off and unlikely in any Gorean's lifetime. A woman can be taken as property. What we know as and call a slave. In Gor it is 'her place' to serve and respect men. A woman who is not a slave is known as a "Free Woman". In the books, only about 10 or 15% of women were actually slaves. And that would be slave in the same sense as you understand a slave to be. In SL it appears the majority of Gorean women are slaves.
There also are male slaves in the books and in SL.
Then there are women who 'fight the collar' and run away from 'civilized' society and become outcasts. They are called Panther and if you were to envision and Native American Warrior - only female, then you'd have a relatively accurate picture. These panthers and 'regular' society are enemies of each other to the fullest definition of the word. And this mercenary group which is the basic subject of this discussion hate them ruthlessly.
Okay, so hopefully you have a basic picture of Gorean society for the purpose of my little story.
Now, remember, Men are the rulers of all classes. When a Man marries a Woman, they are known as "Free Companions" - 'spouse' by another name.
So, enter my niece - she plays a slave to a man in a mercenary group. Hey, it's all role-play, so why not? Well, it is most likely known to anyone who who role-plays Groean culture in SL that slaves see and hear and otherwise witless far more than anyone else. Amazingly so.
The C.I.A. would be proud, except these slave girls (or boys) never repeat what they see and hear. Now, I'm an exception because I'm not in Gor, so the the point of secrecy in this regard is moot. Besides, no names here, I have no intention of embarrassing anyone.
She witnesses on several occasions the leader of this group expressing his love and devotion to his spouse, (or Free Companion in Gorean circles.) She has noted they are married in SL, has heard they even went with a full ceremony and the works. They are even partnered in SL.
The evening before the scenario I am about to describe, this leader was discussing with the group that he will be away the next two weekends specifically to spend time with his spouse, also a member of this mercenary group. The next morning, they are alone and expressing their affection for each other within earshot of my niece.
Here's the wrinkle: the very evening in question, this leader and his lieutenants are standing around discussing battle tactics. Then... he goes quiet. He seems to have gone away from keyboard (afk as we seem to know it better)... then he suddenly poofs. My niece's 'master' gets a phone call and has to leave world for a time - he logs-out. So now she is left with two women, (Mistresses as it were,) one being this leader's spouse.
They chat a bit with each other wondering where he went to. Apparently, they each were previously given the ability to map him as they mention that he must have turned that off. They suddenly become concerned... and poof away. (I imagine they suspected for some reason where he might be and went on their own accord - as you'll see in a moment his voluntarily offering teleport is most unlikely.)
The next morning, my niece is given a transcript of what went down. I've seen it and read it.
And even I must agree, it isn't pretty.
The leader of the mercenary group that hates panthers with a vicious passion and is married to a free woman willingly begs for the collar of a panther... in front of his own wife... submitting to the panther, willingly begging for her to take him as her slave.
Gorean or not... ouch!
Now, remember a couple things here: all human societal rules revolve around the male. Women are considered inferior, and even taken as property to be owned and used, even sold or discarded or even 'dispatched' at will for no reason other than he is in the mood for it.
The panther is the outlaw female who despises and refuses the collar and hates men with a purple passion, often referring to men as "devil" (... or something or other.)
This particular leader even wrote the group's laws himself only a day or two before, number one being: any [insert group name here] mercenary who gives themselves willingly to another will be punished by death. [I'm paraphrasing here.]
And within a day, he does this very thing.
His spouse is present and frantically begs him not to do this.
Then, apparently, he actually kneels before the panther right there in plain sight and in front of his spouse and recites the words he is supposed to recite (I guess) - that he freely, willingly gives his body, mind and soul to this panther. She gives him a collar and locks it around his neck. Tells him to stand and tells him to enjoy it because it's the last time he will stand in front of her.
Through all this, the spouse and other members of the group are in panic mode, trying desperately to get this guy to come to his senses. All role-play, right?
Well, yes and no.
First of all, please allow me to disclaim by this: I have gathered all this from a chat transcript. I wasn't there and I don't know these people. I don't know the real nature of the relationship between this couple or anything about the way this group works.
I will say this: the scenario and methods of scene all this took place in might be role-play. But think about it. The actual situation is as far from role-play as you can get. I could be totally wrong, but the words and language used and the desperation in how it was used by the wife told me otherwise about role-play. This wasn't role-play for her.
In fact, I suspect the scenario of the role-play scene - the circumstances and way this all unfolded and between whom and how, actually make the non-role-play elements that much more devastating and hard-hitting.
The words coming from this mans spouse were... pleading... begging... devastation. Her real life pain was clearly evident. No role-play about it.
She was hurt and hurt bad.
So... set the scene aside and the actual circumstances of how it played out and put everything into context:
- Man loves woman.
- woman loves man.
- They marry.
- They are supposed to live happily ever-after.
Oh, did I mention she's expecting?
A family in the making.
Then, the evening after the morning he professes his love and affection to his wife after the evening he makes the big plans to spend two full weekends of his time only with her alone...
... he goes to one of the people he professes, and his wife and their entire clique all agree, to hate with a passion... kneels down in front of the very person who is hated and begs her to take total and complete control of him, to actually own him and do with him as she pleases... all in front of his own wife!
And when asked why, he says he loves her?
Okay, this kind of thing does not happen overnight. How could anyone, man or woman, do that to another person? I can't think of anything more devastating to the human condition than something like this.
- Yes, it's Second Life.
- Yes, it's all "make believe".
- And yes - emotions and feelings in SL are real.
I feel for that woman - the real life one. And I've never even met her. So, I guess now, according to his own laws written by his own hand, he will be hunted down and "killed" - only to respawn in a day or two.
But in the end, that does nothing to ease this poor girl's pain - the one in real life who types for this woman in Second Life.
When will people realize and learn - even in a candy world like SL where we get to fly around with angel wings and devil horns at the same time - the avatar you see and communicate with is a real person on the other side?
A real person with real feeling and emotions. Feeling and emotions that, in SL, seem to become quickly magnified in intensity and euphoria are also magnified in distress and pain. I've had my fair share of drama and heartaches. You're an SL veteran if you have, too. But even if you haven't personally experienced this kind of drama first hand, how can you help but to feel for this woman or anyone placed into such a situation?
I doubt this guy planned everything this way. But, he knew it would come to this. He shouldn't have led-on with his spouse and group friends. That is where the real betrayal is. Not just betraying his fellow role-play mercenary group soldiers, but really betraying real-life people.
I guess what I'm trying to say is this: SL can be a lot more real for other people, even if not so much for you. And your actions and words can be a lot more devastating to others than you can possibly realize. So think things through before you act on anything. if you see something coming down the pipe that you know is going to be at least disappointing, at worst devastating to someone, try to warn them. At least discretely prepare them even if they don't know you're preparing them.
This guy could have started to feign disinterest in his spouse before hand... or something... I don't know. But to profess how special she is to him and his deep affection for her in the morning, and then to turn and jump into the collar of your so-called (not necessarily role-play from the group's perspective) enemy... well, that's just wrong in so many ways on so many levels it boggles the mind.
I don't know these people. As a slave girl, my niece tells me she's scared to death of this Mistress because she doesn't pull any punches in how she treats her as a slave (quick to punish and such, I guess) - but that she really, really feels pity and sympathy for this poor woman in RL.

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