PostHeaderIcon Be Very Careful What You Wish For... Those fighting against I.P. (Intellectual Property) theft have been complaining to Linden Lab furiously about how "easy" it is for their creations to be "stolen" (read: plagiarized) and resold by the thief.

An article by Prokofy Neva in the SL Herald describes an upcoming 'feature' that might be a bit worrisome. Apparently, people will be able to 'flag' content they find in-world that is illegal or inappropriate and that content will suffer an immediate take-down (removed).

I have always said that Linden Lab is working to satisfy resident complaints and feature suggestions behind the scenes whether we know it or not.

Now in this case, I don't think Linden Lab is stupid enough to make it that easy for some residents to abuse the system and I really think Prok knows this - at least deep down inside. If the system were to exist the way Prok puts it then yes, abuse could and would run rampant. But I don't see the Lindens as being that stupid.

So head over the the Herald and check out the story. but keep in mind, the SL Herald is a tabloid, not a newspaper. In other words, most stories published there are alarmist and usually written in such a way as to cause controversy and knee-jerk reaction from it's readers. So take it all with a heavy dose of salt.
Prokofy Neva writes
"In a comment for the record on the LL Traffic Future list, prominent SL educator Fleep Tuque said, "I think my biggest concern is that, yes, the immediate take down can be used maliciously. There is an appeal process in the outline, but for time sensitive events, that wouldn't be adequate." Argent Stonecutter, a long-time RL network administrator and SL scripter, said that residents had asked for tools to report spam, not analyze content."

Second Life Herald: Flagging Virtual World Provider Linden Lab Now to Flag Content
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