Businesses Incognito In Second Life
This is the whole reason why I follow Tateru Nino so religiously:
I concur completely. it's actually amazing how wrong so many so-called 'journalists' get it all the time. Not just about all things Second Life, but all things, period.
The only main-stream professional journalist I follow and take serious with regard to anything he reports on Second Life or Linden Research, a.k.a. Linden Lab is Mitch Wagner of Information Week.
As for the 'scoop' on Linden lab and all things under-the-hood, Tateru is the go-to-girl. no doubt about it.
via Massively: Second Life
Businesses not stampeding from Second Life - Massively: "Much of the sort of business usage that you've heard about through the media are self-promotional usages. Sites intended to boost the image of businesses such as Comcast (mistargeted) or Wired (no target) have largely fallen flat. There are more enterprises using Second Life. They're just not the uses that you normally hear about.
"The primary business usage of Second Life as it stands today is collaborative usage. These are businesses that aren't issuing press-releases, aren't claiming virtual-environment 'firsts' (falsely or otherwise). They're serious organizations using the virtual environment for their own benefit, on their own schedule and they're not making noise about them."
The only main-stream professional journalist I follow and take serious with regard to anything he reports on Second Life or Linden Research, a.k.a. Linden Lab is Mitch Wagner of Information Week.
As for the 'scoop' on Linden lab and all things under-the-hood, Tateru is the go-to-girl. no doubt about it.
via Massively: Second Life

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