Universal Second Life
Has Hollywood been totally sucking eggs with most of their releases in the last 20 years or so? I think so. If it's not some seriously lame-assed sequel, it a rotten egg is seems.
I think there is a pandemic of writer's block going around or something. It's so bad they often have to rely on headlines and a lot ond seed material. I suppose it was only a matter of time before they looked to Second Life for their garbage.
But wait, they aren't even looking to Second Life itself, but rather a poorly-written article by Alexandra Alter of the Wall Street Journal (roll eyes now.)
According to Variety, a film industry rag:
Universal, Verbinski plan to role-play: "Universal and 'Pirates of the Caribbean' helmer Gore Verbinski have acquired a 2007 Wall Street Journal article they will use as the basis for a film about the online fantasy role-playing world and its detrimental impact on the real lives of players.
Verbinski will develop the film as a directing vehicle; Steven Knight ('Eastern Promises') will pen the script."
Sorry, didn't mean to yawn so rudely.
A quickie perspective is given by Brian Crecente of Kotaku:
"Gore "Pirates of the Caribbean" Verbinski has purchased the rights to a 2007 Wall Street Journal article by Alexandra Alter about a sordid Second Life love affair between a married man and his in-game wife. Yeah, I know, I've heard that one about a thousand times before too. This means he's working on a BioShock and a Second Life movie. My head is going to explode."
So my question is whether they intend to visit the Gorean, BDSM, Free Sex, Ageplay, Furry Yiffing, Vampsex Dungeons and all the other "most popular' destinations within Second Life.
Oh! And will the Second Life players get any royalties out of it? Talk about the never-ending '15-minutes of fame'.
No thanks.
via Variety
Original article the story will be based on.

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