PostHeaderIcon Your Home Hacked

Stolen PantiesA year late, Sony finally opened up a public beta pf the PS3 "Home" virtual world that everyone tries so, so hard to compare to Second Life (fail) and are enamored with.

Well news has come out that already the virtual world of Home has been hacked to the point were users can redirect URLs to show their own videos on in-world screens and be able to change pictures and text on other items.

Another hack where where they can basically grab hold of your profile or even a full copy of your avatar and practically anything else that is you.

But the best one is this:
PlayStation Home hacked - Telegraph: "But the most worrying vulnerability found in the Home software is the security loophole that allows tech-savvy users to upload any file to the Home server, or delete any file from the Home server. It raises the spectre of malicious hackers spreading viruses and malware across the PlayStation Home platform, or even launching sustained attacks on the virtual world's servers to force it offline."

yes, Second Life has all it's own issues, like the alleged copybot, I.P. thieves and other things. But I don't think any Second Life resident has to fear getting a trojan or virus through in-world sims by walking through the wrong virtual door or something.
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