Closer To Truth Than You Know
When I see people like James Au actually propping up idiotic ideas like the "best male avatar" contest - yes contest - I serious and realistically just cannot help myself from laughing hysterically and rolling my eyes all at the same time.
I mean - it's Second Life, are you effing kidding me?
A "beauty" contest of any sort in Second Life is a complete and utter farce. It's nothing more than some kind of "i need attention" stunt - and I'm speaking about the organizers - not the ones actually 'nominated' for such a ruse.
So I am going through my blog rounds and Prad hits the nail on the head with his first two entries of his...
Metaversally Speaking Awards 2008!: "Best Male Model: That guy who bought a shape, and a skin, and some decent hair, and nice clothes, and swanky shoes. And can adjust their sliders! Wowser - go you! Have a cookie!
Best Female Model: That girl who bought a shape, and a skin, and some decent hair, and nice clothes, and swanky shoes. And can adjust their sliders! And did it with boobs! Wowser - go you! Have two cookies!"
Dude, you rock!
I have been thinking these exact same words every time there was even a hint, nay even the smell of this farcical idea.
Thank you for putting it so eloquantly.
Nowm for all five of you readers of mine, head over there to read the rest of the list. It might be satire, but most of it is so m uch closer to dead-truth than Prad leads us to believe!
via Metaversally Speaking

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