Rules of Second Life
Prad Prathivi over at Metaversally Speaking has popped up the Essential Second Life Rules. Okay, should be Second Life Code Law. Srsly. LOL
Here's a sample. This is a gottaseeit:

via Metaversally Speaking..
Here's a sample. This is a gottaseeit:
Rules of Second Life: "27. If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you ever tried.
28. If you’re losing an argument, crash the sim.
29. There is no good time for the assets server to fail.
30. Never teleport anywhere which uses an RL picture in the landmark.
31. Ejecting people from your land will never get old.
32. Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat. God tools make you all my bitch.
33. Don’t ask for money to review anything. Srsly.
34. Respect the Lindens. They have endless cans of whoop-ass with your name on it."
via Metaversally Speaking..

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