PostHeaderIcon Buy from Real Life Tangs in Second Life Tangs

I certainly wish them luck and even hope they succeed.

We've all heard the stories of failed real life businesses that make a go in Second Life and simply haven't the faintest idea what they are doing, thinking if they "built it, they will come'.

Our favorite bastard step-child American Apparel seems to be the poster-bitch for all things relating to real life business "failures" in Second Life. But they are turning into a tired, dusty cliche, so I won't mention them here.

There are indeed success stories of real life business in second life. You just rarely ever hear about them because it's not sensational or 'failure' news. It is human nature to be attracted to other people's pain, which is why the so-called 'main stream media' sensationalizes everything and spins all they say into negatives.

Well, it's been awhile since the bastard step-child poster bitch has been in Second Life making a go at a real life business making it's presence in a virtual world, a lot has been learnt since then. Hopefully all that has been learnt will be applied here.

Hell, I'll shop the place:
Tangs set up 3D replica: "ONE of Singapore's oldest retailers, Tangs, is setting up a 3D replica of its green-tiled roof and red pillared Orchard Road landmark selling clothes to denizens of online world Second Life - for real money.

The 76-year-old retailer announced that it was setting up a virtual mall, the first such store from any Asian retailer in Second Life, at its Christmas media party earlier on Wednesday evening."

But what about taxes and tariffs and shipping fees and all that other unpleasant stuff?
via Straights Times
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