Windows 2000: Just DIE Already!
A new post by "RealaseTeam from Customer Service" on the Second Life Grid Status blog rings the sound of Deja Vu:
Remember the lash-back when Linden Lab wanted feedback on the idea of discontinuing support for Apple OS-X "Panther"? Of course that was back when Linden Lab were still actually using the Second Life blog to actually communicate anything and allowing feedback.
However, now all feedback must be taken to the forums where ultimate control can be exercised where if you get stupid that way people did on the blog, they can very quickly and easily lock you out of the forums and even Second Life itself if they wanted.
Now, such 'terrible' news is being released through the least-read of all the Linden Lab public notice properties: the Grid Status web site. The site no one bothers to read unless teleporting starts to fail and rezzing goes wonky or they aren't able to login. Much less the number of people who even know that site exists.
It's okay, Linden Lab.
I mean, trust me, every time a version of Microsoft Windows dies, it's a good thing for the rest of the world. Hell, even Microsoft stated it's not worth buying Windows Vista and everyone would do better the wait for the next version.
courtesy of Second Life Grid Status Reports
Second Life Grid Status Reports » Blog Archive » Windows 2000: Do you think Second Life Should Stop Support for Windows 2000: "Today we’d like to let you know we’re seriously considering whether Linden Lab should continue supporting Windows 2000. Our tracking shows that very few of you, about 1/10th of 1 percent of all of you that have logged in within the past two months, are still using Windows 2000 when logging into Second Life. That is approximately 2,000 out of 1,407,581 residents who have logged in to Second Life within the past 60 days."
Remember the lash-back when Linden Lab wanted feedback on the idea of discontinuing support for Apple OS-X "Panther"? Of course that was back when Linden Lab were still actually using the Second Life blog to actually communicate anything and allowing feedback.
However, now all feedback must be taken to the forums where ultimate control can be exercised where if you get stupid that way people did on the blog, they can very quickly and easily lock you out of the forums and even Second Life itself if they wanted.
Now, such 'terrible' news is being released through the least-read of all the Linden Lab public notice properties: the Grid Status web site. The site no one bothers to read unless teleporting starts to fail and rezzing goes wonky or they aren't able to login. Much less the number of people who even know that site exists.
It's okay, Linden Lab.
I mean, trust me, every time a version of Microsoft Windows dies, it's a good thing for the rest of the world. Hell, even Microsoft stated it's not worth buying Windows Vista and everyone would do better the wait for the next version.
courtesy of Second Life Grid Status Reports

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