PostHeaderIcon Copybot & Prim Copiers - Oh NOEZ!!! END OF THE WORLDZ

There are knee-jerk reactions all the time with regard to prim-copiers... and even copybot. As for copybot... (based on what I understand about it) it's clunky and difficult to use and really not all that reliable all the time with regard to making 'clean' copies.

As for prim copiers (a.k.a. prim duplicators) - I have one of these and use it all the time. There really are legitimate uses. I'll give you a perfect example: I create something and want to give it to my partner to sell. I'm the creator and, as a matter of habit I also put comments in the description field of each object.

When I'm ready, I use my prim copier to copy the creation and 'convert' it to her name. She becomes the creator of my build and all the comments are changed on each prim, (it becomes her creation because I use a box I had her create, which is used to build the copy.)

But yet, the shrill shoutbacks are ear-splitting.
'It is better to deny everyone the use of a good tool, simply because it could be used for plagiarism.'
Well, that argument also holds true for CD/DVD burners, VHS Video tapes, even iPod or other music players. Stupid fucktard, you show what a dumb-ass genius you are.

So - should we banish all CD/DVD recorders and punish everyone just because there are a handful of users that abuse the technology to steal?

Laurap Linden said what I've been saying all along:
"We’re sometimes asked why Residents are allowed to have or sell copying devices. The answer is that there are legitimate uses of a copying mechanism. It’s the infringement that we don’t allow and won’t tolerate."
I think it's a crying shame that Linden Lab feels they need to publish the "how to protect your copyrighted materials' on the blog, along with instructions on the DMCA process. The shame isn't on Linden Lab, it's on the residents who lash-out on the blog talkbacks. I am not referring to those people who crucify LL for not taking action, such as removing stolen copies of 'products' from the asset server, but rather those who don't seem to understand that all this information is already available, if they'd only do a little bit of research. And they wonder why they are dumb-ass fucktards. Because you're a lazy lard-ass, idiot.

As for removing 'illegal' copies of 'products' from the asset server, I imagine this is a daunting task, as everything is based on a uID (a.k.a. UUID (Unique Identifier or Universally Unique Identifier)) code. So, for all of you demanding LL remove stolen copies of assets from the assets servers - how about you do your part and provide all the UUID codes of the 'stolen' assets to them so they know exactly what it is you want deleted?

Either way, it's a very good blog entry and kudos to Laurap Linden for posting it.

[Update: Recently (June, 2008) Linden Lab did you a 'universal' takedown regarding all products created by two users. And in doing so, Linden Lab whacked about 20% of all sex beds and furniture rezzed in-world on the entire grid. And those scripts were fully legitimate and legal open source.

So, all you whiners: be damned careful what you wish for. Idiots.]

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