PostHeaderIcon Vivox to Lipsync: No voice for you

Eric Reuters (Second Life for Reuters News) is in New York at the Virtual Worlds Expo...
I noticed his original news posting about lip syncing before And now an update: Vivox won't open it's stream to 3rd-party developers.

Is it a shame? yes and no.
personally, I don't thinks it's really that big of a deal as to whether the lips on the faces of avatars inside Second Life actually sync to spoken words or not. The current description is that it is as though watching a foreign-language movie that has been dubbed.

I think that's perfectly fine and acceptable. I feel so because more important than my avatar's lips actually matching what I'm saying is the indication that I'm using voice - period. Those with the voice system turned off will have a visual indication that I am using voice and not some vegetating "away' avatar standing like a frozen statue for no reason at all.

Besides, even with a good-sized computer screen, the default perspective views don't allow one to see another's avatar face very clearly to begin with. I would have to manually 'cam' in close to the speaker's face to even come close to being able to see whether their lips are actually synced to what they are saying anyway.

As for lip-syncing technology - it's been around for some time. I remember when "Lips, Inc." (get it? Lips-Inc = Lip-sync) was available for Poser, Studio 3d and many other 3D authoring, modelling and rendering applications. Though I admit, it is fascinating technology that they have found a way to make it work live, 'on-the-fly' in real-time.

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