PostHeaderIcon Great Mystery Finally Solved???

Torley of "Freindly Greetings" Fame:
"Torley Linden here. I work on “Resident Education”, which means teaching you skills for a better Second Life."

Did you see that?
It didn't slip past you, did it?
Take another look...
Torley of "Freindly Greetings" Fame:
"Torley Linden here. I work on “Resident Education”, which means teaching you skills for a better Second Life."

Is this the grand elusive answer to the most never asked question, thus creating among the most famous of all Second Life mysteries:

"what do you actually do, Torley?"


Friendly greetings! Our happy-go-lucky favorite face of Linden Lab has made a rare post on the Second Life blog, where he is actively seeking feedback (well, rather tutorial type questions) about using Second Life and the viewer. An important note: there may be an influx of frivolous questions just to get the great one's attention!

If you have not already done so, check out the video tutorials area, a most invaluable resource. I have been in SL for going on two years (18 months as Ari) - and I keep finding little things that I simply never knew before. I am usually astonished. And even if you don't learn anything new... the entertainment value alone is so worth the time to watch!

Now's your chance - get over to the SL blog and ask away!

Ask Torley: Video Tutorials & Resident Education! « Official Second Life Blog
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