PostHeaderIcon Typical Dipshit Politian Strikes Again

In a typical publicity stunt obviously intended for political gain and feel-goodism, another politician in a political season espouses the dangers of online social networks, specifically the huge danger to children via Second Life.


Don't we overpay these idiots to actually do a little work? Like writing enforceable laws? This story really cracks me up. It's alarmist attention-grabbing-feel-good bullshit.

"This Second Life is a new scare, unchartered [sic] territory," Wilks said at a news conference Monday with Kirk at the Mt. Prospect Police Department. "It hits home." Kirk said he knew of no cases in which children were targeted by sexual predators on Second Life, but he said he considers the virtual world an emerging danger.

Talk about totally contradictory statements and alarmist BS at its best!

Holy shit, what are these idiots thinking?

Normally, I'd blast the newspaper for even running such garbage. Of all the talk-backs on this story (at the original site) about 90% agree with me. Which makes it so obvious this is nothing but a stupid political stunt and using some dumb tree-hugger in the process.

Don't get me wrong here. I agree with the premise... that social networks can be "dangerous" for kids. But if parents of these in-danger kids would just be real parents, it wouldn't be much of an issue.

My gripe is that they single out what is likely the most responsible of all the "social networks" regarding 'child safety' and make it sound like a haven for pedophile perverts.

Of course it is.

Just like every other social network out there.

Repeat after me: 'my' ...good... 'space' ...getting there... 'dot com'.


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