PostHeaderIcon "Shitzu" Does Not Require Toilet-paper. Really.

What a hoot.

The Second Life Herald is really losing it, lately. Most of what they publish over there makes it look they are are really reaching, nay grasping at straws, for anything half-way interesting to print in order to keep readership up.

If you've never read the Second Life Herald blog, it's a lot like the "National Enquirer" or another other ridiculously over-the-top tabloid. Most of the stories they publish there are ridiculous stupid crap with a seriously alarmist spin put on it. Mostly aimed at either the griefer, hacker crowd or the uninitiated easily-influenced crowd.

However, going in there realizing this provides for some fun reading once in a while. I honestly can't remember the last fun story published there. I think it's been at least a few weeks.

Internet MapHowever, this morning there is a gem. Just a simple blurb about being banned because the one doing the banning has no command of the English language or, at the very least, no patience to at least make an attempt to educate themselves. And this, at an alleged house of education. Now the whole premise of the story: being banned for no real reason other than a lack of any decent education on the part of the one doing the banning.

By the way, the oh-so-offensive word?

In the end, it makes me really wonder about the intellectual fortitude, or lack thereof of those who populate Universities these days. At least in the United States. It's seems to all be about knee-jerk emotions rather than common sense reasoning.
Second Life Herald: Herald Reporter Banned from Woodbury: "[5:56]  Kris Electricteeth: tell him I was refering to the food and the dog
[5:56]  Kris Electricteeth: not to him being a piece of shit"

I like to lurk over there and rarely reply to the posts. But I simply couldn't resist on this one, so my reply to the post was this:

I sould write a blog article on this and how socially f*cked-up it is.
Not the banning - that's the funny part.

But on how someone in some kind of authority at a university sim, supposedly a house of knowledge and education, is so stupid to not know what a Shitzu is - and instantly taking offence at a word they don't know, rather than looking it up.

How NIGGARDLY of them.


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