PostHeaderIcon Leaving Lessons:SL Break-ups Civil? ...Or Not?


So, as I poke around my usual news-feeds - like most other bloggers who report on things they see about Second Life (as opposed to those who just write about their experience in Second Life) - I came across an interesting article in The Australian. I read it. it's an interesting take on breaking-up from your spouse, girl-friend, boy-friend, whatever.

The article isn't about Second Life specifically. Even though SL does get an honorable mention - nothing bad or good, just a passing reference - the article does touch on the idea of monogamy versus polyamorous relationships, which both seem to be quite common in-world, though some "poly" relationships unfortunately occur secretively across alt-accounts, I suspect.

I've been in-world long enough to experience a few 'relationships' and have run the gambit of break-ups just like everyone else who's been in SL as long (or longer) than I have. Of course the the wicked, nasty, she-will-haunt-you-for-a-year break-up; there's the "I lied to you, I'm really married" routine, there's even the 'poof'-where-did-they-go-to-hope-everything-is-okay disappearance. Are we not all adults here?

I know this is going to come-out wrong, but: the 'best' break-up I ever had was when we both discussed our wants and needs and decided as adults to remain close, dear friends, and really - from our hearts - wish happiness for the other. The is a "good break-up".

Unfortunately, the one I am referring to in my personal experience hasn't been in-world for awhile, but I really do wish her the best. Find a good man, have fun. The point is this: as we go through relationships, why do so many have to be the nasty, wicked, painful nuclear war?

Don't get any ideas, you.Land of Hope Nothing happening with me right now in this context at-all, no, no, no. I just came across this article and thought it a really good, informative read. Perhaps required reading for all SL residents who 'hook-up' with other SL residents?

Leaving lessons | The Australian: "Love has become a many-partnered thing for many Australian adults – and the advent of online dating and other forms of virtual pairing, from Second Life to mobile-phone speed dating, have fuelled the trend further. But there’s a B-side as well. For every attraction we experience there is an equal and opposite reaction: and every new partner implies a previous break-up, whether barbarous, civilised or somewhere in between."


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