PostHeaderIcon Program Allows College to Break Linden Lab TOS

FailureOnly a couple days ago I posted (again) how frivolous it is to whine about minors in Second Life on the 'adult' grid. In fact, I've written about it often.

It is against the Terms of Service all users must agree to before your account is activated. In theory, the entire Second Life grid is supposed to be full of adults and only adults. That's why there is a "Teen Second Life" - a.k.a. the "Teen Grid" - which admittedly goes practically neglected by Linden Lab.

Certainly there are underagers sneaking into the Second Life grid and have been doing so since the introduction of "basic accounts" that don't require any kind of age verification during sign-up.

So now, one of the educational institutions in Second Life, that Linden Lab loves so much (by way of loving educational institutions using Second Life,) will be flat-out breaking the Linden Lab Terms of Service by allowing underagers into Second Life under the guise of education.
Program allows high school juniors to take college courses online: "High School students in Pitt County will soon be able to take classes at East Carolina University through the virtual world of Second Life.
ECU recently received the blessing of Gov. Mike Easley and UNC System President Erskine Bowles to pilot a program for an early college high school in the virtual world."

Most high school students won't turn 18 years-old until their senior year. Thus, the majority of Junior students are 16 to 17 years-old.

Certainly the college might maintain control of their presence while in 'class' - but what's to keep them from logging in when they get home and them bouncing all over the grid - specifically the BDSM, Gorean, Free Sex attractions?

And this time, we know then are underagers.

I guess the best way to protect them and fend-off any legal complaints against Linden Lab will be to drop the hammer on all that naughty stuff and tighten restrictions further.

Goodbye Neva Naughty and Bondage Ranch and all those beautiful Gorean Cities (you must admit, no matter how you feel about Gor in general, they do have stunning sim builds,) - it was all nice and sultry while it lasted.

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