PostHeaderIcon Second Life's Second Wind - "M" Speaks Again

An interesting interview with "M" over at Forbes. Nothing really special or new being said. Just a few run-of-the-mill questions one might expect from something like Forbes and the spin isn't as heavy as Second Life residents have come to expect, either.
Second Life's Second Wind - "So there's no sense that Second Life needs to start advertising? You have a background in digital marketing. Were you brought in partly to reinvigorate Second Life's mainstream appeal?

[Former CEO and Linden Lab Founder] Phillip [Rosedale] will tell you I was brought on for my expertise in user experience. If one thing stood out in my background, it would be my knowledge of how to make an experience friendly to a mass market. That's more important than my background in marketing. One of our big priorities is improving the 'first hour' experience for users, from when they first touch the Web site to their initial experience in-world."

courtesy of Forbes
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