PostHeaderIcon Second Life Epiphany: It's Not Dying

Emilie Reymond of Healthcare Republic has had an epiphany about Second Life and how it's used:
Virtual world gets a second life with nurse training: "The online 3D virtual world got bad press in recent weeks and many assumed we'd seen the end of Second Life. But the lights are still glowing and Second Life is far from gone.

"It seems that the platform is not just a means of escapism, a virtual world where 'normal people' can escape the daily grind of their real world and enjoy life in a virtual utopia, but is now used as an e-learning tool."

Extasia at SunsetNo, I'm not looking to insult or embarrass Emilie or anything like that. What's embarrassing is how so-called 'respected' news organizations are still reporting on the Second Life Tryst-to-Deivorce news as though it were scoop even today.

What I want to bring to attention is basically this: the so-called 'mainstream' media is influential. They know they are influential. The problem is that they no longer are unbiased and balanced in practically anything they report.

The United States election cycle is a clear example of that. Most journalists have a clear and now admitted agenda. They are partisan reporters actively trying to sway your opinion on things.

The clear example is basically demonstrated above where Emilie states "...many assumed we'd seen the end of..."

Well, anyone intimately familiar with Second Life knew far better, Ms. Reymond, but no worries, we don't blame you. And no, I wouldn't call you 'gullible' because you simply assumed what all those journalists who know nothing of fact about what they are writing are always throwing opinions and a assumptions out and spinning it as fact.

The other thing is that the idea of education in Second Life has been going on for a very long time. I've written about it countless times over the past year and I agree: it's wonderful use of commonly accessible technology (by way of Linden lab and Second Life for now).

So if it's an epiphany for you, congratulations and welcome to the virtual world. I don't mean that in any cynical fashion. I mean it with sincerity.

via Healthcare Republic
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