PostHeaderIcon Second Life & The Holocaust

Land of HopeAleister Kronos of Ambling in Second Life writes a rather interesting post about commercial and educational ventures in Second Life. I agree that most commercial and certainly virtually all educational ventures in Second Life are ho-hum yawners at best.

However, there are times when non-profit and other educational efforts that are definitely worth the visit, such as from Discovery Channel and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

There also is the Sistine Chapel and other historic places that are simply fun to wander about gawking at, such as the Chichen Itza pyramid in central Mexico.

There are many art galleries and museums. The best are the ones created officially, by the official real life officials.
Ambling in Second Life: US Holocaust Museum & Kristallnacht: "Sure, there are several newcomers to Second Life that I have visited - but I've not felt 'inspired' (yet) to write about them, including: Air France-KLM, virtual Birmingham and virtual Czech Republic. So why am I writing now?

"And what am I writing about? A week or so back, I got a message from Drew Stein of Involve, the company behind the rather fine 7Days' Magic Bakery sim, inviting me to view their latest work on behalf of the US Holocaust Museum. After a few attempts I finally met up with Drew and David Klevan, Education Manager for Technology and Distance Learning Initiatives at the Museum, for a tour. The site opens officially on Tuesday, 9th December."

[Emphasis is mine, and the picture above is just a random one from my flickr page. —Ari]

via Ambling in Second Life
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