PostHeaderIcon Second Life is Dead


That's according to the Blonde known as Sarah Perez.

Only some cliche'd ditzy dumb blonde that all dumb blonde jokes are based on could actually come-up with this.

Oh wait, that's right, I almost forgot. All these idiot so-called journalists have their own agenda and don't report on what is real, they report on things in a way they want them to be. If what they report on is not what they want it to be, they will spin it to make it sound like it's the way they want it to be.

And these so-called news outlets are wondering why their ratings, and hence their advertising is tanking so fast and hard?
The 3D Web in 2008: "What's going on with the 3D web? At one point, it was being heralded as the next big thing.

Is that still the case? Take for example, the virtual world Second Life. Once a booming place where every business had set up their online presence, the formerly happening hotspot is now gloomy and dead. As one-time Second Life reporter Eric Krangel said, hanging out in Second Life is 'about as fun as watching paint dry.'"

And people wonder why I read these idiotic rags and laugh so hard.

Sarah is obviously a ridiculously gullible fool. Anyone who takes what she says as being with any kind of authority or even accuracy is more gullible than she is.

Wow. How can anyone be more gullible than she is?

Oh, hey, Sarah... news for you: Apple, Inc. is dead, too. Just like "Second Life". Oh, and let's throw Microsoft into that mix since Windows share of the OS market is actually down by 10%.

I am sure many other people can think of many other companies and products to throw into the mix.

Hmmm... I'm thinking ReadWriteWeb is pretty dead. 'Deader' than Second life is, that's a factual certainty.
via ReadWriteWeb
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